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Legfrissebb történetek:
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Friss hozzászólások
Materdoloroza: Köszönöm!
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Barbara, Kedves!<br /> A villamoson láttam meg a nevetésedet, mintha csak Te lennél, akkor...
Legnépszerűbb szerzők:

A cry in the woods

It was a foggy morning. The clouds covered the sun, when the man entered the Forest of the Burning Souls. He did not know anything of these accursed woods. Black leaves covered the deserted road, but he HAD TO go. The voices in his mind ordered him to do so. „Come here, We want you” - they whispered. And he went, getting deeper and deeper. He did not see where he was going to, nor why he has done so. He just went. Deeper and deeper. The signs of madness could have been seen on his face. He went for about an our, in total silence, when he heared a cry. It was not a cry of a man or a woman. It was something else. It was…gruersome. The man was begiven a jump. „Do not worry about it”-whispered the voices. „Just come…come to us”. And he went. Deeper and deeper. Then he heared the cry again. But now, it was close. Very-very close. The man realised that it was a cry from the ”other side”. From the world of the evil spirits. „What do you want from me?”-he shouted. „Nothing else…just your soul” He started to run, but he didn’t know where he was heading. He just wanted to get out from this forest. „You can run, but you can not hide”-said the voices scornfully. He ran to a glade. There the grass was black, and in the center stood a man. But the unknown figure showed his back to him. When he got closer, he turned. He was not a man, he was a…demon. „Oh, hello Mr. Andersson, I was waiting for you. Or your soul”-said the demon with blood-curdling composure. Andersson was frightened. And he strated to run again. But it was late. Too late. He felt a strong pull from his chest. And then…darkness. Warm, calming darkness. Then the demon smiled cruelly: „Thank you Mr. Andersson. Your soul will be in a good place…in the HELL”

Hasonló történetek
Előrenyúlt megragadta a lány karjait. A fiatal lány úgy megijedt, hogy majdnem felsikoltott, de ekkor a férfi a másik kezét arcán végigsimítva előre csúsztatta és apró arcát megmarkolva befogta a lány száját. Egy határozott mozdulattal berántotta a bokorba. A lány szoknyája kicsit lecsúszott és érezte, hogy...
Nem kellett volna mondanom, mert ekkor rátapadt a nyakamra, és belémvágott valami éleset, ami a szájában lehetett... megint kérdezni akartam, hogy mit művel, de nem jöttek ki szavak a számon...
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